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Cowboy Action Shooting

Cowboy action shooting is a multi-faceted shooting sport in which contestants compete with firearms typical of those use in the taming of the Old West: single action revolvers, pistol caliber lever action rifles, and old time shotguns.
Event Dates: Cowboy Action will be fourth Saturday of the month starting in June and running through September.
Cost: Participants*: $5.00 for members / $10.00 for non-members /
Spectators welcome & free! **First Shoot is FREE!**
Anyone wanting to give it a try, they will supply the guns and ammo and explain everything you will need to join in!
Contact: Craig Meinburg 208.615.1692
*Note: All persons entering the Range must sign a Liability Waiver &
Range Safety Rules annually, upon entering the premises. No exceptions.

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